Campus Mental Health Resources


Mental health is a critically important issue that can sometimes slip the mind in the stressful, pressure-cooker environment of college. Fortunately there exists resources on campus that can help you through a tough time or whatever problems you may be facing. With finals coming, it is even more important to make sure your stress and mental health are under control.

Note: If you are thinking about hurting or killing yourself, please stop and call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). The lifeline exists to connect individuals for 24/7 help with skilled, trained counselors in the area. There also exists a UCPD 24 hr dispatch line which can be reached at 310-825-1491.

1.) Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is a multidisciplinary student mental health center for the UCLA campus. CAPS supports the academic and student development missions of the University and the Division of Student Affairs.

Phone Number: 310-825-0768 (24-Hour Crisis Counseling Available)

Address: 221 Westwood Plaza, Box 951556 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1556

Services: Wellness Skills Groups, drop-in Wednesday Wellness Workshops, individual counseling and psychotherapy, support/therapy groups, CARE program

Hours: Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm

2.) Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC)

The Mindful Awareness Research Center is a partner of the Norman Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology within the Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA. MARC’s mission is to foster mindful awareness across the lifespan through education and research to promote well-being and a more compassionate society.

Phone Number: 310-206-7503

Address: 760 Westwood Plaza, Rm. 47-444 Box 951759 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1759

Services: Free drop-in meditations on campus, free online podcast, classes, retreats, workshops

3.) UCLA Consultation & Response Team

UCLA’s Consultation & Response Team is composed of representatives from key campus departments, such as The College, Student Affairs, and the UCLA Police Department. The Team meets weekly to identify students in crisis, then works quickly and collaboratively to assess a distressed student’s needs, direct her/him to campus and community resources, and consult with the UCLA offices impacted by the crisis.

Phone Numbers: 310-794-7299 or 310-825-0628 or 310-825-7291

Services: To consult with members of the campus community when they think a student might be in crisis; To respond to students in crisis; To educate the campus community on how to recognize signs that a student may be in crisis, and what to do when they see those signs.

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